Can Nutrition Help With Stress?

female at a table cutting vegatables on a plate of food

Have you ever noticed that when you’re stressed, the desire to eat more “comfort” foods gets stronger? Whether it’s a greasy burger, a bag of chips or a bowl of ice cream, most of us tend to crave salts and fats and our sweet tooth can go wild. Our minds start to unconsciously seek “comfort” foods to make us feel better.

However, this relief or ‘comfort’ is short-lived.

When our bodies are in a stressed state, the need for nutrients and vitamins actually goes up.

If we don’t satisfy the needs for these nutrients, we become fatigued. And when we’re tired, we start to crave treats as a way to get that quick-fix energy. We ultimately put more stress on our bodies, perpetuating the cycle of stress.

It’s easy to give into these cravings when we’re stressed, but consciously choosing to eat nutritious wholesome foods can have a significant positive impact on our health. Not to mention, help our bodies cope with the stress and provide us with the mental and physical energy to take on the day.

So, YES! Nutrition can absolutely help with stress ✨

Check-in with yourself daily and pay attention to how you feel. Notice how your stress can influence your food choices.

Changing our auto-behaviours is tough. It won’t be an easy process, but nothing worth doing ever is.

Have any questions? No problem! 👉💌 Shoot us an email and we’ll be more than happy to help!

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